Eckoh wins new US contract, secures new partnership


Sharecast News | 26 Feb, 2018

17:20 27/06/24

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Secure payment and customer contact solutions provider Eckoh has secured a four-year contract to provide its secure payments solution ‘CallGuard’ to a US Fortune 250 retailer, it announced on Monday, along with a partnership with a global payments solutions company in the US.

The AIM-traded firm said the first contract was worth a minimum of $1.9m over four years, underlining what the board called its “strong momentum” in US payments.

It said it was won through Eckoh's partner, West Corporation - a technology-enabled communications company.

The group has now won 11 US payment contracts in the current financial year - two more than in the prior financial year.

Eckoh said the US Fortune 250 retailer selected its patented tokenisation solution, which required no significant changes to its IT systems or internal processes, allowing for straightforward and efficient integration.

It said the solution, which would be deployed alongside the client's IT environment, would protect all payments made through their contact centre facilities.

Eckoh said it was still seeing the largest contracts and opportunities in the US requiring an onsite deployment.

The board said its second win was a new US partnership, with a global payments solutions company which works with “millions” of individual merchants across the globe.

Eckoh said that formed part of its strategy to broaden its partner channels.

The relationship would see the company introduce Eckoh to its US customers where they had a requirement to secure card transactions taken in their contact centre environments.

Eckoh said it expected that to “significantly” add to its pipeline of opportunities in the new financial year.

“We continue to see good momentum in US secure payments,” said chief executive Nik Philpot.

“Our offering and ability to deliver either onsite or in the cloud gives customers total flexibility in how they deploy and then evolve the solution.”

Philpot said the contract win for “one of America's best-known brands” demonstrated Eckoh's position as a preferred supplier for large companies.

“In addition, we are pleased to add a key partner to accelerate our penetration of the market and expect to build on this momentum.”

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