LiDCO granted CE mark for latest product


Sharecast News | 09 May, 2017

17:21 08/01/21

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Hemodynamic monitoring company LiDCO announced on Tuesday that it had been granted a CE mark for its latest product, the LiDCOunity v2, and would showcase it in Europe at the fifth ERAS World Congress, which was being held in Lyon, France from 10-12 May 2017.

The AIM-traded firm said enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) was a well-established multimodal, evidence-based, perioperative care pathway designed to improve recovery after surgery.

Its board said the company’s technology had been used in published clinical research as a key component of ERAS care pathways.

The ERAS World Congress is organised by the ERAS Society, a not for profit academic society reportedly working to implement best practice in surgical care worldwide.

LiDCO explained the LiDCOunity v2 product, saying it was built on a “striking” new slim widescreen monitor platform, and incorporated the company’s “core value proposition” of combining the full suite of LiDCO technology into one offering.

Bringing together LiDCO's non-invasive, minimally invasive and calibrated technologies, the board said it allowed continuous hemodynamic monitoring, including monitoring of level of consciousness across the entire clinical pathway in one monitor.

In addition, it had a number of new additional features, such as an updated graphical user interface with a more intuitive menu system, internal battery for transportation and new clinical guidance protocols to aid users.

“The fifth ERAS World Congress is the perfect platform to showcase our new LiDCOunity v2 monitor to our key target audience,” said LiDCO chief executive officer Matt Sassone.

“Initial feedback to the new look and features has been extremely positive.

“The commercial launch is another important step in maintaining our technology leadership position in the growing hemodynamic monitoring market.”

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