Milestone's Nexstar begins distribution on Amazon Prime Video


Sharecast News | 21 Sep, 2016

Updated : 11:35

Digital media and technology solutions company Milestone Group announced on Wednesday that its Nexstar joint venture with Black Cactus is now distributing independent film and video to the Amazon Prime global streaming service.

The AIM-traded firm said the opportunity gives Nexstar access to the “largest media customer base in the world”, and means that those who use the company’s media publishing platform to distribute their own video and film will have access to Amazon Prime's global audience, giving them control over their art and a potential audience reach of millions.

Its board said the deal will be a “pivotal opportunity” for Milestone Group as its subsidiary, Nexstar will earn revenue from every video or independent movie streamed from the publishing platform, and augments the customer reach substantially.

“This is fantastic news for Milestone as it increases our reach of customers immeasurably for our streaming of independent film and video,” said CEO Deborah White.

“The potential customer base that the opportunity with Amazon Prime brings will also help us market the publishing platform to some of the largest companies in the music sector, some of whom have already expressed interest because of what it delivered before the Amazon Prime agreement.

“The media publishing platform, Backstage HD, brought a total packaging and distribution solution for the first time to the music and video industry and with this deal with Amazon Prime, brings customer reach as well as innovation to the product.”

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