Mporium to provide its mobile marketing technology to Jellyfish


Sharecast News | 13 Dec, 2016

Digital advertising technology company Mporium Group has won a contract to provide its Impact product to Jellyfish, a digital marketing agency, after an initial trial.

After trying Impact, which uses data inputs, including TV, news, sports and social media to manage in real-time the pricing, timing and selection of digital advertising campaigns, Jellyfish said that the technology “provides a significant competitive advantage to its client”.

Jellyfish has a global client base including Experian, Under Armour, Nestlé, Toyota, Fitbit and Samsung, and the company said the deal represents an opportunity to work with Jellyfish’s blue-chip clients.

For the trial AIM-listed Mporium used its technology to switch a brand's Google AdWords campaign on and off in response to TV content. When brand-relevant content appeared on TV, the campaign was activated for a number of minutes, which captured the moments of highest consumer intent. Impact was found to deliver an increase in the performance of the campaign, reduced the cost per conversion and provided an increase in the conversion rate.

Rob Pierre, chief executive of Jellyfish said: "Our clients expect continual progress and innovative thinking from Jellyfish. The majority of traffic is generated by smartphones and it is critical to find partners who can drive mobile performance. From the outset, there was a great cultural fit between Jellyfish and Mporium and we discovered that their technology was truly unique.

“We are now looking to identify the best opportunities to implement the Mporium technology across our client base. The partnership with Mporium represents a great match for us, and more importantly a significant competitive advantage for our clients."

Mporium's chief executive Barry Moat added that Jellyfish was introduced to the company by Google who felt that Jellyfish's “innovative culture and focus on performance, was an ideal match for Mporium's technology”.

Shares in Mporium were up 3.64% to 14.25p at 0831 GMT.

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