Netcall flags healthy sales pipeline, high level of revenue visibility


Sharecast News | 24 Nov, 2016

Updated : 13:07

Customer-engagement software provider Netcall's chief executive, Michael Jackson, has flagged a healthy sales pipeline and a high level of revenue visibility in an upbeat AGM statement.

"The group has experienced continued strong trading in the first few months of the financial year, with order inflow well ahead of the same period last year," said Jackson in a statement.

"The strong trading has been driven by growing demand for the group's customer-engagement software platform, Liberty."

He said an increasing proportion of the new orders were for multi-year SaaS-based contracts, which added to the group's visibility of revenue for future periods.

"We continue to invest in our cloud capabilities, to capitalise on the rapidly growing SaaS contact centre market segment," Jackson said.

"The sales pipeline is healthy and this, combined with a high level of revenue visibility and a robust balance sheet, leaves the Board confident in the ongoing success of the business."

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