Brexit may lead to loss of half a million public sector jobs

Labour figures release statement to The Independent warning of vast cuts to services


Sharecast News | 14 Jun, 2016

Senior Labour figures have warned that up to half a million public sector jobs could be lost if Britons vote to leave the European Union in June 23rd's historic referendum.

In a statement released to The Indepedent, over thirty figures said that Brexit could lead to a 40 billion pound loss to the British economy that could be filled by public sector cuts, considering the current Conservative governemnt's attitude towards the public sector.

The Leave campaign has surged ahead in some polls this week, with an ICM poll for the Guardian finding Leave now has a 53 to 47 per cent advantage once “don’t knows” are excluded.

The Leave campaign has surged ahead in some polls this week

Pressure has been applied not only to David Cameron, but the Labour Party also, who face accusations of underpeforming during the referendum campaign.

The statement on job losses is supposed to appeal to those worried about what might happen if a Conservative Government was responsible for dealing with the aftermath of Brexit.

“Independent economic experts agree that leaving Europe could hit our economy, including the Governor of the Bank of England who warned we could go into recession,” the statement reads.

Britain’s vital public services like the NHS rely on a strong economy and continued investment. But if we leave the shock to our economy could see a £40bn black hole in our public finances, that would hobble our public services and affect workers on the front line."

The statement also speaks about the uncertainty which has provided much of the backbone for the Remain campaign.

"Leaving Europe is a leap into the dark and is a risk for Britain’s public services that we cannot afford to take.”

Many on the Brexit Leave side have labelled their opposition as "Project Fear"

Many on the Brexit Leave side have labelled their opposition as "Project Fear", accusing them of preying on the fears of the population about the ramifications that Brexit could have on the country. Labour MP Alan Johnson has refuted those claims.

“This is an unprecedented warning from people across the Labour movement who believe in protecting our vital public services,” he said.

“It underlines the catastrophic impact that leaving the EU could have on those employed in our public sector and those who rely on it to get by.

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