Cameron warns pensions could be at risk if Brexit passes

UK Prime Minister tries to inject momentum into Remain campaign as Leave gathers pace


Sharecast News | 13 Jun, 2016

David Cameron tried to force fresh momentum into the Remain campaign on Sunday, as he warned that a United Kingdom exit from the European Union could deal a serious blow to home affairs, particularly pensions and healthcare.

The Prime Minister was speaking during an interview on The Andrew Marr show on BBC on Sunday morning, as the Leave campaign continues to improve their performance in polls leading up to the June 23rd referendum.

Cameron warned that a British vote to leave the EU would do untold harm to the UK economy, leaving the government with less money to spend on pensions than it would if they chose to stay.

"If we vote out, it is a decade of uncertainty, and we shouldn't risk it," Cameron said.

The government and Cameron's own personal contribution to the campaign has signifcantly increased in recent days as the pressure from the Brexit side comes to the fore. He gave an interview to one newspaper as well as writing a letter to another. Treasury boss George Osborne also warned in a newspaper article that among other things, defence spending could decrease and endanger the security of British citizens.

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