Juncker warns Britain - "No more negotiations"

European Commission President says the outcome of referendum is final


Sharecast News | 22 Jun, 2016

One of the European Unions's top officials has said there will be no more negotiations with regard to the UK's membership of the bloc, warning that if they vote to Leave there is no way back.

European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker believes the time for creating a new deal is done, and Britain will have to settle for whatever the result of tomorrow's historic election will be.

"We have concluded a deal with the prime minister, he got the maximum he could receive, we gave the maximum we could give," Juncker said.

Britain will have to settle for whatever the result of tomorrow's historic election will be

"I have to add that the British policymakers and the British voters have to know there will be no kind of any renegotiation," he told reporters after talks with new Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern.

"So there will be no kind of renegotiation, nor on the agreement we found in February, nor as far as any kind of treaty negotiations are concerned. Out is out."

A resounding confirmation from the EU then: Out is out. David Cameron had said earlier on Wednesday that Britain could achieve further reform within the bloc with regard to immigration rules.

In less than 24 hours, UK voters will head to the polls to decide whether the country remains in the EU or leaves - a decision that the leaders of the EU's 27 other states have said will have profound consequences not only for the UK but for the future direction of the EU.

In less than 24 hours, UK voters will head to the polls to decide whether the country remains in the EU or leaves

Former London mayor and prominent Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson has jumped on the remarks, questioning the credibility of Juncker's position.

"If we stay in, there is no prospect of any further change," Mr Johnson said. "This is it, folks. We have been told from the horse's mouth that any hope of further change is absolute illusion."

"It is time for us to show our courage and our commitment to democracy by standing up to these unelected tin-pot figures."

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