Video | Spanish Moto2 driver Luis Salom dies after accident in Barcelona

Salom had a terrible accident on the track during training in Montmeló


Sharecast News | 03 Jun, 2016

Updated : 17:41

Spanish Moto2 driver Luis Salom has died after rolling over in free practice when his bike crashed against the security wall of the twelfth curve and went flying through the air in the last session of training. The young 24-year-old has not been able to overcome the consequences of the impact and has died in the General Hospital of Catalonia.

The accident took place in Montmeló, Catalonia.

He remained for several minutes lying on the ground until they were able to reach the medical assistance to try to revive the pilot, which caused a break of more than 24 minutes.

At 4:55pm, the pilot lost his life in the hospital and this statement was issued: "Two doctors' cars and then two ambulances were immediately sent to the scene to treat the pilot of 24 years of age, and the medical helicopter was also deployed to assist in his treatment. Due to the seriousness of their condition, they took the decision to transfer to Salom by road to the nearby Catalunya General Hospital. Upon arrival, he underwent surgery, but despite the best efforts of the trauma team, died at 16: 55 local time."

Upon arrival, he underwent surgery, but despite the best efforts of the trauma team, died at 16: 55 local time.
The motorist was without pulse shortly after the fall and the medical services joined the pilot but hours after the young Majorcan could not overcome the heavy consequences of the crash.

Upon arrival, he underwent surgery, but despite the best efforts of the trauma team, died at 16: 55 local time.

After several agonizing minutes, the health emergencies team and the ambulance present at the circuit moved the young man to the mobile clinic of the circuit. Moments later, Salom, 24, was transferred to a Hospital General of Catalonia in helicopter, but unfortunately could not survive.

Training suspended

The red flag was immediately deployed, and the security team opted to suspend the meeting and did not return for "security reasons". The video of the doctors making a cardiac massage to Luis Salom predicted the worst, and it has been so.

Portuguese driver Oliveira described what he saw before the fall: "It was out on my lap, I saw that he had been closed in front at the beginning and there wasn´t much space, all asphalt, it was difficult to slow down and I saw that he went to the fence and I had to make the curve and I didn´t see much more".

Eye witnesses said Salom had failed to take the turn on his Kalex bike and had veered away from the track without the chance to brake. The rider was knocked unconscious and although he received rapid attention on the track and an air ambulance was on hand, he was taken to hospital by road, where he passed away shortly afterwards.

Salom had a successful career in the Moto2 championship, finishing second in 2012 and third in 2013 after just missing out on the title in Valencia that year. He had 25 podium finishes in Moto3 before moving up a grade to Moto2 in 2014, and this year he finished second in the opening race of the seaosn in Qatar, befoere having to pull out of a race in Mugello.

Albert Rivera was the first politician to send his condolences to the family and through Twitter sent this message: "shocked by the death of #LuisSalom .my condolences to his family and his team and to all the bikers of Spain. DEP"

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