UK has the world's fastest mobile internet

Average speeds of up to 27.9 Mbps vastly eclipses that of the US and other developed countries


Sharecast News | 29 Jun, 2016

Updated : 11:23

After a tough week for the UK on the politics and sporting front, there is something to rejoice over as it has been revealed that Britain has the highest mobile internet connection speeds in the world.

A new report from content delivery network Akamai found that British mobiles were able to reach average speeds of 27.9Mpbs, ahead of most European countries by more than 10Mbps and with over 20Mpbs to spare over our American cousins.

The United States could only manage a paltry average connection speed of 5.1Mpbs during 2016, lower than that of Kenya and Paraguay. Algeria had the lowest average speed of the countries included in the report, with only 2.2 Mbps.

But while the data may contradict other reports that put the UK closer to the middle of the speed table and countries like Singapore at the top, reports from both Akamai and the likes of OpenSignal are agreed that the United States is lagging behind in terms of mobile connection speeds.

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