Uk's Top 100 universities warn Brexit threatens their standing

Academic institutions provide open letter to The Independent explaining their position.


Sharecast News | 21 Jun, 2016

Updated : 16:39

Around 100 UK university heads warned today that Britain's position as a global leader in innovation and science could be under threat if the population decides to vote Leave in Thursday's EU referendum.

In an open letter written to The Independent, the vice chancellors of the majority of the UK's higher education institutions outline their "grave concerns" for the consequences of a potential so-called Brexit.

Among those universities represented in the letter were Oxford, Cambridge, Durham and Bristol. Academics have shown an increasing anxiety towards the possible ramifications of a Leave vote triumph.

Among those universities represented in the letter were Oxford, Cambridge, Durham and Bristol

“EU membership supports British universities to attract the brightest and best minds from across Europe, enhancing university research and teaching and contributing to economic growth,” they write.

“Voluntarily cutting ourselves out of the world’s largest economic bloc would undermine our position as a global leader in science and innovation, impoverish our campuses and limit opportunities for British people.”

The vice chancellors are in agreement with the hypothesis by a large majority of economic experts who warn that the financial backlash could be severe, as they say it would "create a difficult environment for the long-term investment in higher education and research” that is necessary for the UK to maintain its position a global knowledge economy.

The vice chancellors are in agreement with the hypothesis by a large majority of economic experts

“For us it is crystal clear that our outstanding universities – and our students – are stronger in Europe.”

The institutions' letter comes after a host of well-known figures inside and outside the political sphere have been nailing their colours to the mast in the Brexit debate.

The vote takes place on Thursday 23rd June, with the results expected to be known by the Friday morning.

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