Jeremy Corbyn to face vote of no confidence from Labour MPs

Letter sent to chair of the PLP by Margaret Hodge and Ann Coffey


Sharecast News | 24 Jun, 2016

Updated : 12:31

Jeremy Corbyn is set to face a no confidence motion in his leadership, from two of his MPs.

Labour MPs Margaret Hodge and Ann Coffey have sent a letter to John Cryer MP, chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party, submitting the motion.

Corbyn has come under serious pressure on Friday morning for his lukewarm support and lack of enthusiasm for the Remain campaign during the EU referendum, including criticism today from former prime minister Tony Blair.

The letter calls for a discussion at the next meeting of party's parliamentary wing this week. The ballot has no constitutional force, but would be a significant expression of the lack of confidence of Labour MPs in their leader.

The Labour leader has never been a hugely popular figure amongst those in the backbenches

The Labour leader has never been a hugely popular figure amongst those in the backbenches of the House of Commons, particularly afte previous leader Ed Miliband altered the rules for electing a first-in-command.

If it is accepted, letter would be followed by a secret ballot of Labour MPs on Tuesday. It would require a simple majority of MPs to support the motion for it to be passed.

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