Director dealings: Henry Boot director lowers stake
Updated : 16:21

Henry Boot revealed on Thursday that non-executive director Jonathan Sykes had disposed of 4,818 ordinary shares in the London-listed property developer.
Sykes, who joined Henry Boot in 2011, sold the shares on Wednesday at an average price of 205.0p each, for a total value of £9,876.90.
As of 1620, Henry Boot shares were down 0.44% at 204.10p.
Reporting by Iain Gilbert at
Top Director Buys
Lindsell Train Inv Trust (LTI)
Director name: Lindsell,Michael
Amount purchased: 55 @ 86,496.00p
Value: £47,572.80
Top Director Sells
Henry Boot (BOOT)
Director name: Sykes,Jonathan James
Amount sold: 4,818 @ 205.00p
Value: £9,876.90