Ice Bucket Challenge funds lead to ALS gene discovery

Social media challenge raised money for progressive neurodegenerative disease


Sharecast News | 27 Jul, 2016

Updated : 16:24

An important gene discovery made for the neurodegenerative disease ALS has been attributed to the funds raised by 2014's viral Ice Bucket Challenge.

Participants were filmed being submerged in ice-cold water and nominating other people to take up the challenge, in an attempt to promote awareness of the progressive condition.

Many celebrities and global figures completed the challenge, including Mark Zuckerberg, Steven Spielberg and Justin Bieber, and now scientists say the money raised by the project has identified a new gene that contributes to the disease, NEK1.

The challenge raised £87.7m in total for ALS funding, with six projects commissioned with the money.

"The sophisticated gene analysis that led to this finding was only possible because of the large number of ALS samples available," Lucie Bruijn of the ALS Association said.

ALS is a rapidly progressive disease which affects the brain and spinal areas, affecting people from all walks of life. Stephen Hawking is the best-known person who has lived with the disease.

Scientists believe that although only 10% of sufferers inherit the disease, a much higher number are affected by genetics.

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