Ford announces three-year sponsorship deal with NFL


Sharecast News | 07 Sep, 2016

Updated : 15:22

One of the US' biggest car manufacturers is teaming up with one of its biggest sports as Ford's truck line will sponsor the National Football League for the next three years.

As part of the new deal, Ford will provide tailgate trucks as and when fans want them through a further partnership with Uber.

The NFL currently has other vehicles on its sponsoring books, including Ford's Lincoln brand and Hyundai.

Ford has said that the idea of toughness in the NFL attracted it to the deal, according to its vice president for marketing Mark LaNeve.

LaNeve said the deal will "put the spotlight on fans and players who show toughness, smarts and determination on and off the field, and who deserve to be recognised for that".

Senior vice-president of the NFL Renie Anderson said that the partnership was a "natural fit".

"We're proud to be partnering with such a legendary American brand and look forward to helping Ford trucks become synonymous with the country’s most popular sports league," Anderson said.

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