UK tech industry has potential despite Brexit, says Google


Sharecast News | 19 Sep, 2016

Updated : 17:21

A senior executive of Google has said Britain should not be distracted by Brexit and instead focus on supporting the growth of global technology companies, the BBC reported.

The head of Google’s Europe, Middle East and Africa business Matt Brittin said the UK is now more poised for success than it was in 2010 when David Cameron said Google could never have built their company in Britain.

"I think it is getting better all the time, the conditions for big tech success here in the UK," said Brittin.

"My sense is we have amazing skills. Google employs 4,000 plus people in the UK, they are as good as anywhere in the world.”

Despite uncertainty caused by Brexit he thinks the issue is “local” and the government should concentrate on creating the right conditions for entrepreneurs to flourish globally.

The internet population is doubling from 2.7bn people to over 5bn in a four to five years according to Brittin.

"The thing entrepreneurs need to be doing is investing in that huge change globally because we're already world leaders in Britain - we're a big net exporter [in technology], we're creating jobs growth and opportunity through entrepreneurs today and they need to seize that opportunity now and not be distracted by short-term turmoil or uncertainty the markets are seeing."

He said it was vital that talent in the industry can move freely between different countries.

"It is easier if the rule book is consistent in more countries, and the single market project is not complete in Europe so there is still a lot of work to do."

Despite foreign firms increasingly taking over British businesses, such a Japanese Softbank taking over British computer chip company Arm, he did not feel it was a good idea for the government to intervene.

"I think the dynamic global economy is one where investment from all sources should be welcomed - it is for founders and decision makers to decide the best options."

He advises the UK to indulge in the same appetite for investment and think globally in order to imitate Silicon Valley’s success.

"I think the entrepreneurial piece is the one we can learn from Silicon Valley, and the appetite for risk and the ambition to do something big. Everybody should think, when you're starting a tech company, you can reach the entire world because that's the way things are moving."

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