Catalan president may call fresh elections for 20 December, speech delayed


Sharecast News | 26 Oct, 2017

Updated : 13:36

Catalan president Carles Puigdemont will call fresh general elections for 20 December, according to a local news report.

According a report from Catalan daily La Vanguardia, which did not cite any sources, Puigdemont's decision was the result of sharp divisions within the pro-independence block of parties which made reaching an agreement on a declaration of independence unviable.

Issuing such a declaration would also go against the block's desire to portray itself as a movement that was acting in defence of a democratic movement and would leave the prospect of civil discord in the region as the most likely outcome.

The pressure brought to bear on Puigdemont reportedly also helped to forestall various regional officials from tendering their resignations.

Puigdemont was expected to issue a statement at 1230 BST but that was afterwards postponed until 1330 BST.

In parallel, El Mundo reported that Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy would wait for Puigdemont to speak before issuing any response.

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