China says US trade talks to resume next week


Sharecast News | 24 Jan, 2019

China will have "in-depth" trade talks with the US next week as Vice Premier Liu He visits America.

“During the upcoming high-level negotiations, both sides will continue to hold in-depth talks on various economic and trade issues of mutual concern,” Gao said.

White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett also said he believed the US and China could reach a trade deal by 1 March, according to Reuters.

China reportedly offered to buy more US products in a reported six-year plan to reduce the imbalance in trade of goods between both sides but a major stumbling block has been a disagreement over how to address Washington's accusations of intellectual property theft.

The Trump administration has repeatedly accused China of “unfair” and “unreasonable” trade practices at the expense of American jobs and industry, such as stealing intellectual property and forcing foreign companies to hand over their technology to a Chinese partner.

US President Donald Trump vowed to increase tariffs to 25% from 10% on $200bn worth of Chinese imports on March 2 if they do not reach a deal on the issue.

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