Clinton extends lead against Trump, poll shows


Sharecast News | 17 Oct, 2016

Updated : 11:37

US presidential candidate for the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton, extended her lead over her main rival, Donald Trump, over the weekend to eleven points.

According to the results of the latest poll from the Wall Street Journal and NBC, Clinton held a lead of 48% to 37% ahead of the last televised debate between the two contenders scheduled for 19 October and less than a month before the elections on 8 November.

That compares to the six-point lead she commanded in mid-September as Clinton reportedly garners more support among women and swing voters.

TrumpĀ“s campaign has been mired in recent days in several allegations of unwanted sexual contact with women following the release of a 2005 video showing him boasting of the same.

Nonetheless, the poll results indicated the controversial tape wasn't necessarily that many observers might presume, with 53% saying they did not belie that it disqualified him from participating in the race.

The poll, conducted between 10 and 13 October, also found Trump was losing the confidence of voters on issues such as trade and economic policy.

An earlier poll in May showed 48% of voters preferred Trump when asked which candidate would handle trade policy best, versus 38% for Clinton.

At present, Trump's advantage stood at 46% versus 43% for his rival.

The two candidates were now also almost tied in perceptions of who could best run the economy, at 43% for Clinton versus 44% for Trump.

Voters were also increasingly judging both to be equally as honest and straightforward.

On a more negative note, a bigger proportion - of ten percentage points - of respondents said they held a negative view of Clinton than a positive one, the weakest showing since George HW Bush in 1992.

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