Clinton officials rubbish poll which puts Trump ahead


Sharecast News | 02 Nov, 2016

Updated : 09:55

Campaign representatives for Hillary Clinton have claimed that an ABC/Washington Post poll that has Donald Trump ahead by one point in the US presidential election is not accurate.

The Democratic candidate had had a commanding lead in the vast majority of national polls, before the release of one earlier this week which put Trump in a 46-45 winning position.

The election is now less than a week away, and while Clinton's campaign acknowledge that the race is tightening, they maintain their stance of being in a healthy position at such a critical time.

An aide for the former Secretary of State told reporters on Tuesday that the survey was a result of "bad polling".

"It's not what we see at all," said the representative. "There seems to be something about that model that seems odd. The race has tightened the way that we thought it would tighten, but we do not see anything that would suggest it is right."

At the end of last week it emerged that an FBI director was instructing his staff to examine further emails related to the private server Clinton used while in office.

Clinton arrived in Florida on Tuesday for a series of campaign events in the crucial swing-state.

The spokesperson recognised the importance of winning the south-eastern state, but said that it was still likely that she could win even in a scenario where her campaign loses Florida.

"There is no state that is more important and we think it is a state that she will win and Donald Trump has to win," said the representative. "If she wins Florida, that will put her over the top."

Republican Trump has gone on the offensive since the revelation of his opponent's email scandal, saying at a rally in Wisconsin that it would be a "constitutional crisis" if Clinton were to be elected.

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