Former Goldman Sachs partner Mnuchin expected to be Trump's pick for treasury secretary


Sharecast News | 30 Nov, 2016

US president-elect Donald Trump is expected to pick Steven Mnuchin as his treasury secretary, according to a report from the New York Times.

The Wall Street veteran has no government experience, but held the position of national finance chairman of the Republican's successful election campaign, and Trump will be hoping he can use his experience at Goldman Sachs to invigorate the US economy.

Mnuchin spent 17 years at the investment bank, rising to become a partner and earning a reported $46m in the process, before going on to enter the movie business and financing the likes of Suicide Squad and The Lego Movie.

The 35-year-old would hold one of the key positions in the US administration, taking on responsibility for Trump's policies of ripping up trade agreements, introducing tax cuts and a wide range of other issues.

Trump is likely to face criticism from liberal commentators after his claims during the campaign that he would "drain the swamp" of Wall Street lobbyists from Washington, before appointing a man deeply entrenched in such financial institutions. Mnuchin's father was also an employee of Goldman Sachs.

The former reality television star has been busy during the weeks since his election victory over Hillary Clinton, forming his new cabinet with the help of his transition team, with the appointment of the likes of Reince Priebus and former Breitbart News editor Steven Bannon.

Meanwhile, Trump appears to be undistracted by efforts from the Green Party's Jill Stein to initiate recounts in states narrowly won by the Republican candidate, a campaign which is now being supported by Clinton.

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