French President Hollande would lose next election, poll reveals


Sharecast News | 07 Sep, 2016

Updated : 16:01

French President François Hollande would be spurned by the French electorate if he stood for re-election in next year's presidential election, according to a recent poll.

It would leave a possible two-candidate run-off between Front Nationale’s Marine Le Pen and either Nicolas Sarkozy or Alain Juppé of les Républicains.

The survey from Le Figaro newspaper and LCI news channel, carried out by TNS Sofres-One Point, said the Socialist President would not make it past the first round of voting, as he would only get 11% to 15% of the vote next spring.

Hollande is yet to announce whether he would run for re-election as he is unpopular with the French Public due to his economic policies and his handling of national security as there have been a string of terrorist attacks in the last 24 months.

Under the French system a candidate needs to have a majority in the first round to make it to the second.

In November centre-right les Républicains are to hold their first primaries in order to choose between former president Sarkozy or former Prime Minister Juppé, and the poll found that either of them would progress to the second round.

In one scenario for the first round, Juppe would get 33% of the vote and Le Pen 29% and in the second scenario, Sarkozy would get 27% and Le Pen 29%.

Former economy minister resigned from the government on the 30 August, which suggested he is preparing to launch his candidacy for President with his centrist En Marche party.

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