George W Bush tells Trump "anger shouldn't drive policy"


Sharecast News | 16 Nov, 2016

Former US president George W Bush has given Donald Trump some advice ahead of the former reality television star's entry into the Oval Office, telling him to not configure policy based on the anger of sections of the population.

Making a speech in Dallas in his home state of Texas, Bush gave his reflections on the result of last week's surprising victory for the Republican candidate.

He accepted that the election swung in Trump's favour based on his ability to appeal to those "sick and tired of the status quo".

"I understand anger, and some people may have been angry when I was president. But anger shouldn't drive policy," Bush said. "What needs to drive policy is what's best for the people who are angry."

Bush was not forthcoming about who he supported in the presidential election, having not campaigned for either Trump or Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton. Speculation was rife that he crossed party lines to vote for Clinton, but reports suggested in the end he voted for neither candidate.

Speaking in Dallas, he added that it was not appropriate for him to criticise his successors, as the job of president is difficult enough without that added pressure.

"I don't think it's helpful for the country to have a former president criticise successors. It's a hard job to begin with and I really don't think it helps to make it any harder," Bush said.

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