High ranking North Korean diplomat in London defects to South Korea


Sharecast News | 17 Aug, 2016

Updated : 19:16

North Korea’s deputy ambassador in London defected to South Korea, the first high-profile defection since official ties were established and the embassy was opened in 2003.

Thae Yong Ho and his family defected to South Korea, the Unification Ministry in Seoul confirmed on Wednesday. It is thought that Thae is the highest-level ranking North Korean official to ever change sides.

South Korea spokesperson, Jeong Joon-hee said: "On his reasons for defection, Minister Thae cited disgust with Kim Jong-Un's regime, admiration for South Korea's free, democratic system and the future of his family."

Thae was tasked at the North Korean embassy in west London with spreading a positive image of the country and its leadership, and was due to return soon.

The confirmation came a day after the media reported that a high-ranking diplomat had defected and Thae was later identified by the BBC.

North and South Korea are technically still at war after an armistice, not a peace treaty, agreement was penned following the conflict that took place between 1950-53.

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