Macron's En Marche! seen garnering most seats in parliament


Sharecast News | 04 May, 2017

French centrist presidential candidate Emmanuele Macron's party will be the largest in the lower house of the French legislature, a first poll result showed.

The poll from OpinionWay-SLPV Analytics for daily Les Echos showed Macron's En Marche! was expected to make off with between 249 to 286 seats in the chamber out of a total of 577.

However, the poll only reflected the voting intentions of Frenchmen on the Continent, whose representation accounts for 535 seats, and not those living in the overseas territories.

Le Pen on the other hand was only seen obtaining between 15 to 25 seats and the Socialists anywhere from 28 to 43.

Centrist and conservative parties would win between 200 to 210 seats.

Macron, who was set to face-off against far-right candidate Marine Le Pen on 7 May in the run-off vote of the French presidential contest, was expected to make off with roughly 60% of the ballots versus 40% for her.

Yet many market observers were concerned that even if Macron came out on top on Sunday his lack of a political base would see him turn into a 'lame duck' president, a poor result for a country in need of a concerted push back towards a stronger growth track.

Thursday's poll was the first covering the 11 to 18 June elections.

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