Macron´s lead holds at 16 points in latest Opinionway poll


Sharecast News | 21 Feb, 2017

Updated : 15:12

Emmanuel Macron and Francois Fillon gained slightly in Opinionway´s latest daily poll of voting intentions, while Marine Le Pen slipped.

According to the pollster the centrist ex-economy minister Macron had 21% of the vote going into the first round of voting on 23 April, the same as ex-PM Fillon.

That was up from 20% for both the day before, on 20 February.

Marine Le Pen on the other hand was now seen garnering the support of only 26% of voters, down from 27%.

Socialist leader Benoit Hamon also lost some ground, with 15% of voters saying they would cast their ballot for him.

Far-left candidate Jean-Lun Melenchon's support also diminished, from 12% to 11%.

In second round voting on 7 May, Macron was expected to take 58% of the vote versus 42% for Le Pen, the same as on Monday.

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