Mind the potential downside if you´re invested in gold, Citi says


Sharecast News | 23 May, 2016

Updated : 16:09

Mind the downside if your invested in gold or one of its proxies, analysts at Citi said.

Price charts for the US dollar appeared to be pointing to long-term momentum behind the US dollar index (DXY), "with a currently strongly rising moving average suggesting that we cannot rule out another attempt at breaking up through DXY at 100," analysts led by John H Bergtheil said in a research note sent to clients.

The last time the DXY was trading at the 100-point mark, back in December 2015, gold was changing hands at $1,050/oz. and there was no reason for that not to happen again should the dollar revisit that level.

Indeed, should DXY rise past the 100-point level there was nothing standing in the way of gold dropping below $100/oz., Citi said.

Given that risk, we think gold equity investors should ask themselves what their premise is for accepting gold-equity PE multiples that are up to two or three times greater than the PEs on the diversified miners, given that gold is the metal most-sensitive to the US$.

As of 16:10 BST the spot US dollar index was drifting 0.04% higher to 95.373.

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