Obama's fracking rule blocked by judge


Sharecast News | 23 Jun, 2016

Updated : 18:36

A US federal judge has blocked an Interior Department rule, which was to set strict standards for hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas on public lands, in a blow to Barack Obama.

Wyoming district judge Scott Skavdahl ruled that the department had not been granted the necessary authority from Congress to issue the stricter regulations. He also said that fracking was already regulated under state and federal laws.

The rule proposed by the Obama administration was meant to make companies comply with federal safety standards in the building of fracking wells and to disclose the chemicals and products being used in fracking.

Almost 90% of fracking in the US was done on state and private land and governed by local regulations. The rule would have only applied to fracking on federal lands.

The court of appeals for the 10th circuit was also reviewing the rule. Judge Skavdahl was appointed by Obama in 2011 and last year blocked the rule and issued a preliminary injunction, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

“It’s unfortunate that implementation of the rule continues to be delayed, because it prevents regulators from using 21st century standards to ensure that oil and gas operations are conducted safely and responsibly on public and tribal lands,” said Jessica Kershaw, a White House spokesperson.

The Republican party have opposed Obama’s fracking and environmental policies and have a majority in Congress.

The speaker of the house Republican Paul Ryan said: “Hydraulic fracturing is one of the keys that has unlocked our nation’s energy resurgence in oil and natural gas, making the United States the largest energy producer in the world, creating tens of thousands of good-paying jobs, and lowering energy prices for consumers.

“Yet the Obama administration has sought to regulate it out of existence. This is not only harmful for the economy and consumers, it’s unlawful — as the court has just ruled. Only Congress can write laws. Agencies acting without authority from Congress is simply illegal.”

Fracking is the process of drilling into the ground by directing high pressured water at rock to release the gas inside it. Chemicals, sand and water are injected in order to allow gas to flow out.

Large amounts of water are needed and the carcinogenic chemicals used may contaminate groundwater around a site.

Environmentalists say it could also provoke small earth tremors.

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