Rotary International appoints Ugandan Owori as president


Sharecast News | 05 Oct, 2016

Updated : 12:46

Ugandan Samuel Owori has been confirmed as the president-nominee to Rotary International, after serving as a member of the Kampala branch of the organisation for 38 years.

Rotary International is a humanitarian service organisation made up of a variety of business, community and political leaders in order to bring positive change to local communities.

Owori will serve as president of Rotary International for a one-year term between 2018 and 2019.

"Rotary has become a way of life for me," Owori said. "With the intrinsic value and core belief in mutual responsibility and concern for one another as a cornerstone. I feel immense satisfaction knowing that through Rotary, I’ve helped someone live better."

Rotary's current primary humanitarian goal is the eradication of polio, forming part of the PolioPlus program, which has overseen the 99.9% decrease in incidents of the disease since 1985.

"Today more than ever, the world needs to know and understand Rotary's impact and values of advancing international understanding, goodwill and peace," added Owori.

Owori also oversaw the growth of Rotary clubs in the Uganda region from nine to 89 over 29 years.

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