South Korean president Park Geun-hye impeached by parliament


Sharecast News | 09 Dec, 2016

Updated : 10:03

President of South Korea Park Geun-hye has been impeached by lawmakers in the Asian country after a corruption scandal marred her last few months in office.

On Friday, MPs in South Korea voted to take action against their leader as she faces the lowest levels of popularity seen for a president since the country's adoption of democracy in the 1980s.

The bill to impeach Park won with a massive majority of 234 to 56, with a high number of those from her Saenuri party voting against Geun-hye.

Geun-hye's problems originated in her relationship with Choi Soon-sil, who had no official role in the government but is alleged to have used her connection to the president to wield influence over government policy.

Protesters were present in front of the parliament buildings as the vote was taking place, calling on the president to resign from her position. Last week Park said she would leave her fate in the hands of the country's lawmakers.

The impeachment process could take up to six months at least to complete, during which time Park's responsibilities will be assumed by current prime minister Hwang Kyo-ahn.

Park was the first female president of South Korea, elected in 2013 after a long career in South Korean politics. She is the daughter of former president and military general Park Chung-hee, who was assassinated in 1979 after eighteen years in power.

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