Spanish industrial production dips in June


Sharecast News | 04 Aug, 2017

Spanish industrial output dipped in June led by falls in production of durable consumer goods and capital equipment.

Total production slipped by 0.1% on the month, according to the country's statistics office, INE.

Versus a year ago it stood 2.7% higher, down from a 3.5% rise in May.

Economists had been expecting a rise of 0.1% on the month and a 2.8% year-on-year advance.

A 3.7% increase in energy output versus the previous month helped to buoy the headline reading, with output of intermediate goods also higher, albeit fractionally so (0.1%).

In seasonally and calendar-adjusted terms all categories registered increases when compared with June of 2016.

Energy output was strongest, climbing by 4.8% on the year, followed by intermediate goods (4.3%), capital goods (1.8%), durable consumer goods (4.4%) and non-durable consumer goods (0.1%).

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