Trump administration halts press communications from EPA


Sharecast News | 25 Jan, 2017

The Environmental Protection Agency's press operations have been curtailed by a directive from Donald Trump's administration, according to several reports on Wednesday.

The EPA is the government's regulatory body for protecting the environment, and has been instrumental in several high-profile cases, such as the discovery of Volkswagen's emissions cheating software.

President Trump's team have been keen to assert their commitment to environmental issues, despite signing an executive order on Tuesday to push through with the Keystone and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

Social media and other external communications were paused for a period on Tuesday by the EPA, fueling reports that it was part of a wider blackout on government agencies.

"We're looking into it," Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters during a White House briefing. "I don't think it's any surprise that when there's an administration turnover that we're going to review the policies."

New contracts and grants for the environmental agency have also been suspended, drawing criticism from political opponents and climate change activists.

"This administration is launching direct attacks on truth and transparency in our gov’t. Very troubling -- and honestly, anti-democratic," tweeted California senator Kamala Harris.

The EPA itself dismissed the reports about its pause in press operations, denying that there was a directive sent from the new administration.

"Contrary to erroneous media reports, HHS and its agencies continue to communicate fully about its work through all of its regular communication channels with the public, the media and other relevant audiences," according to a statement from the agency.

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