Trump briefly outlines plans to replace Obamacare


Sharecast News | 11 Nov, 2016

Updated : 14:25

The Trump administration plans to work with Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act put in place by Barack Obama, according to a document posted on the presidential transition website in which some of the main points were outlined.

The ACA will be replaced with a solution that includes Health Savings Accounts and “returns the historic role in regulating health insurance to the States”.

“To maximise choice and create a dynamic market for health insurance, the administration will work with Congress to enable people to purchase insurance across state lines.

“The administration also will work with both Congress and the States to re-establish high-risk pools – a proven approach to ensuring access to health insurance coverage for individuals who have significant medical expenses and who have not maintained continuous coverage.”

The document also contained a reference to abortion, an issue about which Trump has sent mixed messages in the past. Back in 1999, he said on NBC that he was “very pro-choice” but in 2000, he said he would support a ban on late-term abortions. Then in 2011, he came out as pro-life but made exceptions in the case of rape, incest or the mother’s life being at risk.

The document on the website stated that the administration will act to “protect innocent human life from conception to natural death, including the most defenseless and those Americans with disabilities”.

In addition, it highlighted plans to advance research and development in healthcare and reform the Food and Drug Administration to put greater focus on patients’ needs for new and innovative products.

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