Trump names former rival Ben Carson as housing secretary choice


Sharecast News | 05 Dec, 2016

US president-elect Donald Trump has appointed fellow Republican Ben Carson as his housing secretary as he puts together his cabinet ahead of his entry into the Oval Office on 20 January.

According to an announcement from the former reality television star's transition team on Monday, Trump's former rival for the Republican presidential nomination had been chosen to lead the housing and urban development department from next year.

Carson has previously said that he would not consider a post in Trump's administration due to what he saw as a lack of experience on his part.

However, in a Facebook post published shortly before Monday's announcement, the former neurosurgeon said he had changed his mind.

"After serious discussions with the Trump transition team, I feel that I can make a significant contribution particularly to making our inner cities great for everyone," Carson wrote.

"We have much work to do in strengthening every aspect of our nation and ensuring that both our physical infrastructure and our spiritual infrastructure is solid," he added.

Carson endorsed Trump earlier this year after the two had engaged in a bitter feud which saw both primary candidates lobbing insults in each other's direction during their contest. He went on to become one of Trump's most trusted allies.

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