Trump picks Goldman Sachs COO Cohn for key economic post


Sharecast News | 09 Dec, 2016

Goldman Sachs president and chief operating officer Gary Cohn is reported to have been offered a key economic position in Donald Trump's administration, as the president-elect attempts to solidify his cabinet choices in the run-up to Christmas.

Former Goldman partner Steven Mnuchin was chosen as Treasury secretary by Trump after his election win over Hillary Clinton last month, seemingly at odds with his promise to "drain the swamp" of Wall Street interests in Washington.

According to CNBC Cohn will be offered the position of director of the National Economic Council, after having discussions last month about a possible departure from the investment bank.

Cohn is known as a risk-taker in the mortgage bond market, and provided donations to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns in the past.

His appointment would be the second high profile Goldman employee to be offered a job by Trump, who will take over the Oval Office from Obama on 20 January next year.

The choice to add Cohn to his ranks has already caused indignation among Democratic circles, who view Trump's appointments and policy musings so far as a retraction of several campaign promises.

Influential Vermont senator Bernie Sanders tweeted on Friday that Cohn's appointment was an example of a "rigged economy".

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