Trump protests in Oregon turn violent on second night of demonstrations


Sharecast News | 11 Nov, 2016

Updated : 12:47

Police made 29 arrests in Portland, Oregon on Thursday night as thousands of protesters were involved in violence, after an initial peaceful demonstration against president-elect Donald Trump.

A second night of protests erupted in major cities across the United States after Trump was declared the winner of the presidential election early on Wednesday morning.

His opponent Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, indicating that she had more votes nationally than her Republican counterpart.

Shop and car windows were smashed as the demonstrators showed their discontent at the decision made by US citizens on Tuesday.

Trump earlier had responded to the protests via Twitter, accusing the media of inciting the violence.

"Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!" tweeted Trump on Thursday.

Police in Portland claimed protesters were carrying bats and arming themselves with rocks. Missiles were thrown at the police, who responded with pepper spray and rubber baton rounds.

Oregon voted for Hillary Clinton with a significant majority, although Trump scored a resounding victory, winning key states such as Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

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