Trump travel ban hits new stumbling block as Hawaii judge blocks order


Sharecast News | 16 Mar, 2017

Donald Trump has run into further difficulties relating to a modified version of his ban on entry into the US for several predominantly Muslim countries, after a court in Hawaii struck down his executive order for the second time.

The move from the district judge came just hours before the new travel ban was to come into effect at US border controls across the country.

Trump faced an embarrassing defeat in February when a Washington state judge quashed his attempts to reinstate a ban on entry to the US from those travelling from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and Syria.

The revised order included the removal of Iraq from the list of countries affected by the ban, as well as a relaxation towards those who already hold visas.

“We’re going to fight this terrible rule, we’re going to take this case as far as it will go," President Trump

The US President came out swinging at the country’s judicial system once again on Wednesday during a speech in Nashville, Tennessee. He accused Honolulu district judge Derrick Watson of “unprecedented judicial overreach”, and promised to appeal the case as far as the Supreme Court.

“We’re going to fight this terrible rule, we’re going to take this case as far as it will go, including the supreme court. We’re going to win,” he said.

Trump added that the new ban was “a watered down version of the order that was blocked by another judge and should never have been blocked to start with”.

The ruling sets the scene for another protracted legal wrangle between Trump administration lawyers and several US courts, with another defeat for the President’s order likely to further undermine his credentials in within his first 100 days in office.

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