Trump urges Americans to "heal the divisions" in Thanksgiving speech


Sharecast News | 24 Nov, 2016

Donald Trump has given an address to mark the Thanksgiving Day holiday in the United States, calling on citizens in the country to come together after a "long and bruising political campaign".

The president-elect released the video message on Wednesday before making his way to Florida to celebrate the American holiday.

Trump gained a convincing victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton two weeks ago to set himself up to become the 45th president of the US, after not being given a chance by most commentators in the run up to the election.

"It's my prayer that on this Thanksgiving, we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country strengthened by a shared purpose and very common resolve," Trump said in the video.

He made reference to a bitterly divisive election campaign fought by the campaigns of both himself and Clinton, and stressed the importance of putting that to one side in the interests of making America a better place.

"We've just finished a long and bruising political campaign. Emotions are raw," Trump added.

"But we have before us the chance now to make history together … I'm asking you to join me in this effort."

The Republican has been busy this week making appointments to his transition team, who will support him when he takes over the White House on January 20 next year.

On Wednesday he confirmed his latest appointment of billionaire activist Betsy DeVos as his new education secretary.

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