US tech leaders to attend Trump summit on Wednesday


Sharecast News | 12 Dec, 2016

Executives from the top technology companies in the United States are reportedly due to attend a summit organised by president-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday.

Sources cited by tech site Recode say that the chief executives of Alphabet, Apple, Facebook and a host of other industry leaders will meet with Trump to discuss changes that will affect them when the Republican moves into the White House on 20 January.

The meeting is likely to be attended by some of the industry's biggest names, including Tim Cook, Satya Nadella, Tesla's Elon Musk and even Amazon's Jeff Bezos.

Trump's policies may be problematic for many of the companies, which rely heavily on international cooperation and globalisation for their success, with some executives previously having criticised the president-elect's policies during his campaign.

One of the main names missing from the reports is Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, after Trump's use of the social networking service to convey his messages to supporters on his way to victory over Hillary Clinton.

Oracle chief executive officer Safra Catz told Reuters that there are a number of things that are going to be discussed at the summit.

"I plan to tell the president-elect that we are with him and are here to help in any way we can," Catz said in an emailed statement.

"If he can reform the tax code, reduce regulation, and negotiate better trade deals, the U.S. technology community will be stronger and more competitive than ever."

The majority of Silicon Valley leaders fought hard against Trump this year in an attempt to show why he would stifle innovation.

An open letter was signed by 145 top executives opposing his campaign for the presidency.

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