What are other countries saying about Brexit?

Newspapers reveal feeling towards UK referendum in international spheres


Sharecast News | 23 Jun, 2016

Updated : 21:06

The results of the United Kingdom's referendum on European Union membership today will no doubt cause reverberations around the world, as Brexit speculation takes a front-page position in much of the world's media.

Here's a selection of front pages from neighbours near and far today as the voting winds down this evening.


Liberation goes for a double cover spread this morning with an alternating face, one with a full union jack, the other with half and half alongside an EU flag. The headline reads - "Who is in? Who is out?"


Perhaps the state with most to lose apart from Britain, due to the close trade ties between the neighbours. A significant section of the Irish Times front page today features their dramatic victory against Italy in Euro 2016 last night. "EU membership hangs in the balance" doesn't give too much away.


La Repubblica warns that it could be a long day for Europe which could see long-term changes in how the bloc is organised.


El País also focuses on the potential danger for other European nations as the vote looms. “Today Britain decides its own future and that of all Europe.” Perhaps a tad melodramatic, but representative of the feeling penetrating Europe at the moment.


The European powerhouse goes for a more light-hearted approach, with Bild playing on the two nations' sporting rivalry and British stereotypes with this letter:
"Dear Britain,
If you stay in the EU we will acknowledge the Wembley goal. We won't make any more jokes about Prince Charles' ears. We won't wear sun cream on the beach in solidarity with your sunburn. We will go without our goalkeeper at the next penalty shoot out to make it exciting. We will introduce tea time, and drink it from buckets. We will willingly be the villain in every James Bond film. Stick with you and immediately put our clocks back one hour. Put through an EU directive which forbids foam on our beer. Reserve sun loungers around the pool for you with our towels. We will guard your Crown Jewels. We will come to your queen's 100th birthday."


The Wall Street Journal warns of the ripple effect that the vote will have across the world.

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