August heatwave could boost food retailers by £290m


Sharecast News | 10 Aug, 2016

Updated : 11:01

An upcoming August heatwave could benefit British food retailers by as much as £290m.

According to food retailer the Co-op, food sales increase by 10% when temperatures rise above 21 degrees. A 10 degree rise in temperature can also increase sales of barbecue meats by 300% and cold beers by 135%.

A heatwave in August could be a boost to retailers as they endured a wet June and a cold July. On average, £2.9bn is spent a week at food retailers, the Co-op said this could increase by £290m a week.

The food retailer found that people spend less on their weekly food shopping as they are more spontaneous in the summer and eat out more.

Chief executive of retail at Co-op Steve Murrells, said: “It is a challenge for food retailers to ensure that we are ahead of the weather and have the right products in stock at the right time: shoppers quite rightly expect that their local convenience store will have the food they want: whatever the weather.”

On Monday and Tuesday the Met office expects temperatures to climb above 30 degrees.

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