Cable jumps on latest Brexit poll results


Sharecast News | 24 May, 2016

Updated : 16:20

The proportion of Britons who would rather that the country remains inside the European Union was steady, according to the results of ICM´s latest poll of voting intentions carried out over the telephone.

Of those interviewed by phone, a full 47% said they would back the 'Remain' option, while 39% said they would vote to 'Leave', ICM said in a statement.

However, another survey conducted by ICM through the internet gave the 'Leave' campaign a small lead of 47% against 43% for 'Remain'.

The findings were identical to ICM´s 16 May poll conducted on behalf of The Guardian.

Nonetheless, an earlier poll, carried out by ICM on 9 May, had shown the 'Leave' was ahead by 51% to 49%.

To take note of, the findings of Tuesday´s ICM internet poll results were initially misreported, putting both camps tied neck-and-neck at 45%.

As of 16:02 BST cable was 0.79% stronger at 1.4598 after having hit an intra-day high of 1.4622.

The results of a poll carried out by ORB, between 18 and 22 May, on behalf of the Daily Telegraph and which were published earlier on Tuesday, revealed that a large majority of 57% of Conservative voters were now saying they would support a vote to 'Remain', versus the 40% who would rather the UK 'Leave'.

A previous ORB poll undertaken in March had put support for 'Remain' among Tory voters at just 34% while 60% had said they would vote to 'Leave'.

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