Cameron and Tusk agree proposals for Britain's EU membership


Sharecast News | 02 Feb, 2016

Updated : 13:10

David Cameron has agreed on the proposed conditions for Britain to remain in the European Union, which will be negotiated by the bloc's leaders before a UK referendum later this year.

After details of a sovereignty 'red card' that will allow a group of national parliaments to club together to block EU laws, European Council president Donald Tusk on Tuesday confirmed in a letter to all 28 EU countries this and measures relating to the three other areas requested by the UK - economic governance, competitiveness and social benefits.

One key point for Cameron was securing the power to restrict in-work benefits for new migrant workers for up to four years, but rather than the outright ban he originally demanded the proposal is now for a measure that will be “graduated” to “take account of the growing connection of the worker with the labour market of the host member state”, leaving open the question when the restriction ends.

Other proposed immigration measures include allowing members states to take further action against tackle fraudulent immigration claims such as sham marriages or to act against citizens who represent a serious threat to security.

On economic governance, Tusk and Cameron agreed on a proposal that money from British taxpayers will never be used to support the eurozone.

To improve competitiveness, the proposal inlaces a long term commitment to "regularly assess progress in simplifying legislation and reducing burden on business so that red tape is cut".

Recent report have suggested Britain will go to the polls as soon as 23 June to vote in a referendum on continued EU membership.

On Monday, support for a British exit, or Brexit, from the EU was said to have risen to their highest ever level, according to a YouGov poll.

A total of 42% of people surveyed said they would vote for a British exit, or Brexit, in a referendum that could be held as soon as June, extending a four-point gap over the 38% who said they would vote to remain within the EU, Reuters reported.

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