Early Easter break slows decline in UK retail footfall


Sharecast News | 05 Apr, 2024

An earlier Easter break slowed the decline in UK retail footfall, fresh data revealed on Friday, with total footfall declining by 1.3% year-on-year in March, although wet weather still kept a lid on growth.

The data from BRC-Sensormatic IQ was an improvement from the steeper 6.2% decline seen in February, although it still suggested a persistent challenge for the retail sector.

Footfall on the UK high streets decreased 1.5% year-on-year in March, improving from the 9.3% decrease recorded in February.

Similarly, footfall in retail parks dropped by 3.5% in March compared to the same period last year, up from a 5.8% decline in February.

However, there was a modest increase of 0.3% in footfall at shopping centres, marking a slight recovery from the 7% decrease seen in February.

Looking at regional trends, Wales experienced a marginal increase of 0.4% year-on-year, while Northern Ireland saw a notable rise of 4% compared to March 2023.

In contrast, both England and Scotland saw declines in footfall, with England experiencing a 1.6% decrease and Scotland a 0.9% decrease year-on-year.

“Overall UK footfall declined in March as the wet weather kept shoppers indoors,” said Helen Dickinson, chief executive of the British Retail Consortium.

“Northern Ireland and Wales bucked the trend while shopping centres across the UK also saw a year-on-year increase in footfall, primarily driven by the start of the school holidays.

“The early Easter meant footfall rose across the UK in the final week of March, particularly in English cities such as Birmingham and Liverpool, but this was not enough to reverse the overall decline over the course of the month.”

Dickinson said that as the next general election neared, the figures highlighted how vital it was for all parties to include a “clear and comprehensive” plan for growth in their manifestos.

“As the 'everywhere economy', retail serves all of us, providing the products we need as well as local jobs and investment.

“Instead of imposing burdensome costs on the industry, parties should focus on reforming business taxes and improving planning policy to help put life back into communities up and down the country.”

Reporting by Josh White for Sharecast.com.

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