High court to rule on Article 50 Brexit case on Thursday morning


Sharecast News | 02 Nov, 2016

Updated : 14:19

The High Court will rule on Thursday morning whether the Prime Minister can trigger Article 50 and begin the process for Britain’s exit from the EU without a parliamentary vote.

The judge will rule on the closely watched legal case around 1000 GMT in London, according to Bloomberg.

The challenge to Theresa May was brought by investment fund manager Gina Miller, hairdresser Deir Dos Santos and others who said the prime minister did not have the power to invoke the clause, which would start a two-year clock on negotiations, without a vote by MPs.

If the court rules in favour of the claimants, parliament could potentially block Brexit as MPs were largely for remaining in the EU before the referendum result.

If Miller and Dos Santos lose they could appeal to the Supreme Court and be heard in December.

On 28 October, the Northern Ireland High Court rejected two legal challenges to Brexit, by ruling that 1998 Good Friday Agreement did not prevent the government from triggering Article 50, which was followed by a slump in the pound.

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