One in 10 jobcentres to close, putting thousands of jobs at risk


Sharecast News | 26 Jan, 2017

The government is planning to close more than one in 10 jobcentres around the UK as more people claim benefits online.

Minister for employment Damian Hinds said: “The way the world works has changed rapidly in the last 20 years and the welfare state needs to keep pace,” he said. “As more people access their benefits through the internet many of our buildings are underused. We are concentrating our resources on what we know best helps people into work.”

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) would not say how many of the 714 offices would close but unions said it would be more than 10% in England, Wales and Scotland.

The DWP did however say that it would merge 78 small Jobcentre Plus offices with larger ones nearby and a further 50 will be “co-located” with local authorities or other community services.

It is looking to close 27 back-office buildings and develop larger procession sites including five new large service centres from 2018.

The government department said it would not put a number on job losses due to the closures but said it would have the option to relocate or take on other roles.

The lack of availability of one to one support could also hinder unemployed people from finding a job.

Frank Field, chair of the Commons work and pensions select committee and Labour MP for Birkenhead, said: “The DWP is cutting off its nose to spite its face, it seems to me,” he said. “It’s true that unemployment has been falling, but jobcentres have been given new tasks under universal Credit to help people find work.

“The centres are supposed to have worker coaches who can find people a job and advisers to help them get higher pay. It means that staff will need to understand the jobs market over a wider area, jeopardising their ability to achieve their targets.”

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