Theresa May to remind cabinet that leaks means leaks


Sharecast News | 17 Jul, 2017

Updated : 14:19

Theresa May is set to 'remind' her cabinet of the importance of discretion regarding government discussions.

According to her spokesman May will be "reminding them of their responsibilities and making the point that ministers across government need to be focused on getting on with delivering for the British public."

May who has been dealing with a party divided over how to best deal with Brexit, was dealt a blow last month when the Tories lost their majority in parliament.

Finance Minister, Phillip Hammond who has been a strong advocate for a softer approach to Brexit proceedings was hit with considerable outrage over the weekend when it was alleged that during a cabinet meeting, when referring to the disproportionate amount of men taking on careers such as train driving, he said that employees in the public sector were "overpaid" and that "even a woman can do it".

Another party member has gone on to say that the quip had been said by another minister entirely and was "unfairly characterising Hammond’s position". All this goes to underline the issues that May has faced in presenting a unified party since the disastrous election campaign that ended with her having to strike a deal with Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party in order to secure her position in Number 10.

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