UK planning junk food ad ban for TV and social media


Sharecast News | 10 Apr, 2018

Updated : 10:57

UK ministers are looking into banning junk food advertisements on social media and television in a plan to fight youth obesity.

As implementation of new regulations could hurt broadcasters' advertising revenues, the government is considering separate regulations for social media and television channels' online platforms like ITV Player and 4oD, according to The Times.

At present, unhealthy food advertisement is not allowed during children’s programs but the government wants to spread this regulation to family programs such as X Factor that are not regulated since they are aimed at adults and are broadcast after 9pm.

Another option being considered is to identify young users on social media and target the advertising ban for those profiles.

Ministers are also looking to label menus and food at restaurants as unhealthy to raise awareness in the fight against obesity.

According to Liverpool University, currently children are seeing as many as 12 advertisements for junk food within an hour while watching family television shows.

Professor Mary Fewtrell, from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said on the matter: “Children are very impressionable and need protection from the hundreds of millions of pounds spent each year on junk food advertising, much of which is within the family viewing hours of 6-9pm.”

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