Cairn Energy says Senegal drill tests in line with expectations


Sharecast News | 07 Mar, 2017

Updated : 08:57

Cairn Energy said drill testing at its SNE-5 appraisal well off Senegal had produced flow rates of more than 4,000 barrels per day.

The company said initial results were line with expectations. The well targeted a location in the "upper reservoirs where two principal units are located within the oil leg".

"Main reservoir units, pressure data and fluid contacts match previous SNE wells as expected. Multiple samples of oil and gas were recovered during wireline logging and drill stem tests; analysis indicates oil of similar quality to previous wells," Cairn said.

"Two drill stem tests (DST) were conducted within the Upper Reservoir units over gross intervals of 18m and 8.5m and were in line with expectations."

Cairn said DST 1a flowed from an 18m interval at a maximum rate of 4,500 barrels of oil per day (bopd). At DST 1b an additional 8.5m zone was added and the well flowed at a maximum rate of 4,200 bopd.

Cairn shares were up 0.37% to 218p at 0854 GMT.

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