Produce startup Oddbox to expand after £0.52m crowdfunding success


Sharecast News | 01 Aug, 2018

London based ‘wonky’ fruit and veg box firm Oddbox on Wednesday smashed its crowdfunding targets, raising £0.52m to expand its services.

The irregular produce business, which had originally hoped to raise £0.35m, said it will use the funds to upgrade its tech platform, build its brand, optimise operations and expand the expertise in its team with the hope of expanding its delivery area to reach their goal of 12,500 customers by 2019.

The company currently delivers to over 1,600 homes in South London and 85 offices in central London but has a waiting list of 3,000 further people.

“The support we have had from customers and investors has been phenomenal and we can’t thank them enough. We believe wholeheartedly in our wonky fruit and veg scheme and we’re looking forward to bringing it to more people," said Oddbox co-founder Emilie Vanpoperinghe.

Work has already begun to deliver to 15 new postcodes in West and East London before the end of August.

ClearlySo, Europe’s leading impact investment bank, aided Oddbox’s fundraising efforts by preparing pitches, assisting due diligence and introducing the company to potential investors.

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